cdi.commons.fx -JavaFX/CDI Bootstrap
The both technologies JavaFX and CDI are greate for itself.. but how to combine them? How I can get managed JavaFX - controller instances?
Starting from the JavaFX – side, we have to implement the Class extending javafx.application.Application. The importand method will be
With CDIContainerSingleton.getInstance() you will get an instance of the Weld-Container. After the normal JavaFX – init there will be an event fired with the primaryStage as attribute. Now the primaryStage is available in an managed environment.
The final jUnit-Class (extends JavaFXBaseTest ) will implement the method –> testImpl(final Stage stage). The jUnit-Test will be a manged instance itself.
But how to get the manged controller class instance?
This is done by the
During the process of loading the fxml-file the used FxmlLoader will get an instance of an ControllerFactory-Callback.
The importand lines are the following
The ControllerFactory-> will give back a manged instance of the controller class.
Now you can use CDI inside the pojo-fx-controller class.
So we are done.. Happy coding ;-)
Starting from the JavaFX – side, we have to implement the Class extending javafx.application.Application. The importand method will be
start(Stage primaryStage)
With CDIContainerSingleton.getInstance() you will get an instance of the Weld-Container. After the normal JavaFX – init there will be an event fired with the primaryStage as attribute. Now the primaryStage is available in an managed environment.
The observer will catch this event. Hownthis will be donw, I show with the excample jUnit-test.cdi.event()
AnnotationLiteral<CDIStartupScene>() {})
The final jUnit-Class (extends JavaFXBaseTest ) will implement the method –> testImpl(final Stage stage). The jUnit-Test will be a manged instance itself.
But how to get the manged controller class instance?
This is done by the
FXMLLoaderSingleton used from the jUnit-test.
final FXMLLoader fxmlLoader = fxmlLoaderSingleton.getFXMLLoader(LoginPane.class);
During the process of loading the fxml-file the used FxmlLoader will get an instance of an ControllerFactory-Callback.
The importand lines are the following
The ControllerFactory-> will give back a manged instance of the controller class.
Now you can use CDI inside the pojo-fx-controller class.
public class LoginController implements CDIJavaFxBaseController { // Standard FXML injected fields @FXML TextField loginField; @FXML PasswordField passwordField; @FXML Text feedback; // CDI Injected field @Inject LoginService loginService; // Default application parameters @Inject @CDIJavaFXBaseApp Parameters applicationParameters; @FXML protected void handleSubmitButtonAction(ActionEvent event) { feedback.setText(loginService.login(loginField.getText(), passwordField.getText())); } @Override public void initialize(URL location, ResourceBundle resources) { loginField.setText(applicationParameters.getNamed().get("user")); } }
So we are done.. Happy coding ;-)
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