FXController with CDI managed DynamicObjectAdapter - Part 1

Today I will show the first step how you can use a dynamic proxy for JavaFX Controller.
This we will need for the CDI support inside TestFX.. but this later..

During I was writing on my reflection shortcut together with Dr. Heinz Kabutz
(will be first available in german, later in english if asked for) I was thinking about his Newsletter
about "Object Adapter based on Dynamic Proxy".
Based on this we will now transform this into an CDI pattern for JavaFX Controller.

The basic target will be an decorator for an CDI environment, to switch between implementations of defined methods
of an controller. Ok, there is an decorator defined inside the CDI environment but with some hard limitations.

First of all, you have to define the decorator inside the beans.xml. I don´t like this.
If something will be changed you have to restart the container. And the definition is static.
The second I not like, is the usage of an decorator.

You have to annotate the class,
you have to inject the basic implementation
and you have to extend the basic implementation.

This is too much and the main disadvantage: you have to decide what decorator to use in the static context.

How to solve this?

Let´s start with the basic step. With the default methods in JDK8 you don´t need a basic Implementation class.
But you have an interface. Let´s say we have an interface called DemoLogic.

public interface DemoLogic {

    public default int add(int a, int b){
        return a+b;

    public default int sub(int a, int b){
        return a-b;
Importand is the annotation, to exclude this from the default scope inside CDI. You will see it later why..

The next thing we want to have is an special implementation from the add method. This we will implement inside a class
called DemoLogicAdapter_A.

public class DemoLogicAdapter_A implements DemoLogic{

    public int add(int a, int b){
        return a+b + 100;
Same here with the annotation. The good thing is, you really have to implement the changed method only.
No other delegator stuff.

Next we need, is something to decide dynamically if we want to use the original implementation or the special one.
This we will simulate with a singleton calles Context. This class with only one boolean attribute called original
is to simulate a decicion logic.
If the attribute is true, we are in context original otherwise we are inside the context customer specific.

public class Context {

    public boolean original = true;
Now we will use it like the developer will do it later in a high level way.
For this we write a jUnit Test to test this.
The test will do the following.
Inject the DemoLogic, call the method add and test if the original version was used.
After this switch the context by setting the attribut original to false.
Now get the demologic again and call the method add.
If all is all right we will get the customer specific result.

public class DemoLogicTest {
    public static JavaArchive createDeployment() {
        return ShrinkWrap.create(JavaArchive.class)
                .addPackages(true, "org.rapidpm.commons")
                .addAsManifestResource(EmptyAsset.INSTANCE, "beans.xml");

    @Inject @DynamicDecoratorTest Instance demoLogic;
    @Inject Context context;
    public void testDemoLogicOriginalTest() throws Exception {
        final DemoLogic demoLogic1 = demoLogic.get();
        final int add = demoLogic1.add(1, 1);
        System.out.println("add = " + add);

        context.original = false;
        final DemoLogic demoLogic2 = demoLogic.get();
        final int addAdapted = demoLogic2.add(1, 1);
        System.out.println("addAdapted = " + addAdapted);
I am using arquillian to have CDI support inside my jUnit Tests.
The annotation DynamicDecoratorTest is to separate this test from the rest of my tests.

You see the usage quite clear. The developer will only see the interface. He will use it like
he will do it as normal. No change to see! Let´s asume the context switch is done by the system,
hidden, so the the develper is not able to see it.
He will write code only with the thinking about the business logic to implement.

Afer we described what we want to have, we will implement the core.
To get an instance of the DemoLogic, we need a producer. We will call the class DemoLogicProducer.

public class DemoLogicProducer {

    @Inject Instance dynamicObjectAdapterFactoryInstance;

    @Inject Context context;

    @Produces @DynamicDecoratorTest
    public DemoLogic create(ManagedInstanceCreator instanceCreator){
        final DemoLogic demoLogic = instanceCreator.activateCDI(new DemoLogic() {});

        final DynamicObjectAdapterFactory dynamicObjectAdapterFactory = dynamicObjectAdapterFactoryInstance.get();

        final Object adapter;
        if (context.original){
            adapter = new Object();
        } else {
            adapter = instanceCreator.activateCDI(new DemoLogicAdapter_A());

        return dynamicObjectAdapterFactory.adapt(demoLogic, DemoLogic.class, adapter);
The basic what we are simulating here ist the switch between original and customer specific.
This will be more comfortable in the next post. (using a ContextResolver)
But to show the basic step this is made explicite simple.
If the attribute is true, use the original one otherwise use the customer specific.
Very simple.. Both instances are manually put inside the CDI environment.
This ist only to show that the adapter itself can be managed too.

The most importand step is the transparent wrapping with the DynamicObjectAdapterFactory.
The developer will not see this, until he is debugging ;-)

How this factory is working?
The factory is using the java.lang.reflect.Proxy from the JDK itself. An old but very usefull class.
In my case I will use this in side a CDI managed environment.

public class DynamicObjectAdapterFactory {

    @Inject Instance cdiInvocationHandlerInstance;

    public   T adapt(final Object adaptee,final Class target,final Object adapter) {

        final CDIInvocationHandler invocationHandler = cdiInvocationHandlerInstance

        return (T) Proxy.newProxyInstance(
                new Class[]{target},

This means I will be able to inject, for example, the InvocationHandler.
This I need, because I need a managed InvocationHandler.
The usage of the Proxy is nothing complex. But the InvocationHandler is the final and importand step.

public class CDIInvocationHandler implements InvocationHandler {

    @Inject @CDILogger Logger logger;

    private Map adaptedMethods = new HashMap<>();

    private Object adapter;
    private Object adaptee;

    public Object invoke(Object proxy, Method method, Object[] args) throws Throwable {

        if (adaptedMethods.isEmpty()){
            final Class adapterClass = adapter.getClass();
            Method[] methods = adapterClass.getDeclaredMethods();
            for (Method m : methods) {
                adaptedMethods.put(new MethodIdentifier(m), m);
            if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
                logger.debug("adaptedMethods is initialized..");
        try {
            Method other = adaptedMethods.get(new MethodIdentifier(method));
            if (other != null) {
                return other.invoke(adapter, args);
            } else {
                return method.invoke(adaptee, args);
        } catch (InvocationTargetException e) {
            throw e.getTargetException();

    public CDIInvocationHandler adapter(final Object adapter) {
        this.adapter = adapter;
        return this;

    public CDIInvocationHandler adaptee(final Object adaptee) {
        this.adaptee = adaptee;
        return this;


public class MethodIdentifier {
    private final String name;
    private final Class[] parameters;

    public MethodIdentifier(Method m) {
        name = m.getName();
        parameters = m.getParameterTypes();

    // we can save time by assuming that we only compare against
    // other MethodIdentifier objects
    public boolean equals(Object o) {
        MethodIdentifier mid = (MethodIdentifier) o;
        return name.equals(mid.name) &&
                Arrays.equals(parameters, mid.parameters);

    public int hashCode() {
        return name.hashCode();

The method invoke is called every time a method is called on the proxy. This is the place to decide which method will be called.
From the adapter we will get all methods and put them inside a HashMap. The key is based on method-name and attributes.
If a method is called with this key, we will get the adapter instance of this method from the map and
will call this instead of the original one.
If not key found, we will call the original nethod.
This is really simple!

This means you have everywhere CDI managed instances.
You have only to implement what you whant to change.
It is dynamic with every request.
No beans.xml must be edited.

You never need the decorator from CDI anymore. ;-)

Next step will be the integration iside an JavaFX controller.. and TestFX CDI Support


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